The premier conferences for software testing and quality assurance professionals. Come away from a STAR conference ready to put your knowledge to work immediately. Our comprehensive program includes ...
Share your experience and inspire our audience while gaining exposure for both you and your organization. TechWell events offer speakers the opportunity to network with industry experts and peers all ...
Directly reach an engaged, highly targeted audience for your branding, lead generation, and thought leadership strategies. Access these active buyers and influencers through conference sponsorships, ...
Agile + DevOps USA brings you the latest in the methods, process, technology, tools, and leadership principles to deliver software with greater speed and agility while meeting quality and security ...
This eBook includes an analysis of the benefits of shift-left testing, the importance of shift-left testing in performance engineering, testing facts to keep in mind while developing strategies, and ...
TechWell Corp.'s hands-on experience and training expertise helps companies, large and small, to improve their processes, gain measurable control over software projects, and deliver better software.
Although agile development has reached the mainstream, many companies find a gap between their organizational capabilities and the importance of this methodology to their bottom lines. Whether your ...
Learn, exchange ideas, and join the conversation. TechWell communities offer solutions for software professionals with information on emerging trends, the latest ideas, and industry news, delivered ...
TechWell helps software and IT professionals develop and deliver better software by providing a hub of expertise shared through international software conferences, training, publications, and online ...