“I believe that humor is a gift given to man by God as an expression of our Maker’s innate creativity. Jokes are what we create when we play with words and ideas until they make us laugh and fill our ...
As we’ve noted, even Jonah the bigot knew that God had revealed himself as a God of compassion, who extends mercy even to the ...
“Public skepticism about national unity isn’t new. Surveys by Gallup and others dating back to the 1990s show that Americans typically have seen the country as divided on key values.” - Gallup ...
“The ERLC plans to actively engage this historic case at the Supreme Court by filing an amicus brief outlining why the Tennessee law, and others like it, must be ruled constitutional.” - Baptist Press ...
One of the clearest examples of this phenomenon of overlooking the obvious is the way supersessionists (those who hold that ...
“With specific regard to ‘Evangelicals for Harris,’ the issue at hand is fundamentally one of theology not politics. It is a question that is firmly rooted in the principle of participation found in 2 ...
Frequently it is very difficult for congregations to attend, because of the place and the atmosphere. For instance, if the ...
“There is a reluctance among Christians to condone gambling but not enough opposition to condemn it outright. I think many Christians aren’t quite sure what to make of the morality of gambling.” - ...
“Christians can’t seem to stop singing: in catacombs, in cathedrals, everywhere throughout church history. In Saudi Arabia, the underground churches soundproof the walls and windows, sometimes with ...
“Pop culture and the pop style of music in general has infiltrated and reshaped much of the thinking, writing, arranging, and performing of Christian music, even within much of ‘conservative’ ...