Colonel Norbert Hess is the Core Team Leader of the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package (SNGP) – the key instrument for ...
On September 22-26, the Georgian delegation headed by Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze participated in the 79th session of ...
From September 23 to 24, a six-member delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) made a ...
On September 26, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry condemned Georgian Dream’s new campaign banners, which draw a comparison ...
The ruling Georgian Dream party unveiled its full list of 170 MP candidates for the upcoming October elections, although the ...
Коалиция «Сильная Грузия», которую возглавляет партия «Лело за Грузию», и которая объединяет четыре политические партии, ...
The Supreme Court of Georgia, referring to the country’s Constitution, ruled that persons living in Abkhazia and holding ...
The Georgian government and ruling party officials responded with outrage and disdain to U.S. President Joe Biden’s ...
The company goes on to state that behind the “destructive process” in the village of Shukruti and the demonstrations in front ...
Министр по делам культуры, спорта и молодежи Теа Цулукиани, дольше всех находившаяся на посту министра в правительстве ...
„ქართული ოცნების“ მთავრობის ყველაზე დიდი ხნის მინისტრმა, თეა წულუკიანმა, რომელიც ამჟამად კულტურის, სპორტისა და ახალგაზრდობის ...
Tea Tsulukiani, the longest-serving minister under the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) government and current Minister of Culture, ...