By John Irish, Parisa Hafezi and Jonathan Landay UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iran has brokered ongoing secret talks between ...
TikTok has removed accounts associated with Russian state media for engaging in “covert influence operations” on the social ...
The website of a fake San Francisco news station created a video falsely claiming that Kamala Harris was involved in a car ...
Officials say Ukrainian troops engaged in hand-to-hand combat as they drove Russian forces out of a huge processing plant in ...
Four Russian military aircraft passed through the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone on Monday, the North American ...
TikTok has removed accounts associated with two Russian media groups for trying to exercise what it called “covert influence” ...
State repression has worsened in Russia since the invasion of Ukraine, a U.N. expert said on Tuesday, warning of arbitrary ...
Roughly 60% of the foreign parts found in Russian weapons on the battlefield in Ukraine come via China, Ukraine's ...
The North American Aerospace Defense Command says it detected four Russian military aircraft flying near Alaska on Monday, ...
Presidential adviser Vladyslav Vlasiuk said some products were manufactured over 10 years ago, while others were made in 2023 ...
Footage shared by a Ukrainian battalion appears to show the use of a fearsome "dragon drone" in a nighttime operation that ...
In early September, leading State Duma figure Yevgeny Fyodorov criticized the efforts by Moscow to downplay the raid, and ...