A 10-year-old dog has found her forever home after she was found clinging to a submerged shopping cart in a canal.
Revely and her neighbors believe the sadistic culprit shot Cedric with a blowgun. The squirrel has been one of Reveley's ...
The slow loris, a nocturnal primate from tropical regions, is often seen as one of nature's "dumbest" animals due to its ...
Male pregnancy is a rare phenomenon in the animal kingdom, with just three vertebrates exhibiting this behavior. The seahorse ...
"For this nudibranch and some other deep-sea animals, they engulf their prey," Haddock said. "Instead of being stronger than ...
Like humans, early trauma can have negative impacts on later life in animals, too. Scientists develop remarkable tool that ...
Researchers suggest that this life-cycle flexibility, previously thought rare, may be more widespread than we realized.
Quiterio Ramírez’s voice is heavy with anguish at the other end of the phone: “When I saw the jaguar hanging there, the truth ...
Colors evolved for survival, with animals using them for warnings and mating, and plants attracting pollinators.
It’s said that lions and tigers stalk the semiarid scrubland of Paraguay’s Chaco region. Yet this is the heart of South ...
A recent University of Arizona study finds that color vision evolved in animals more than 100 million years before the ...
Scientists discovered a mechanoreceptor that triggers the distinctive shake-off behavior observed in mice when they become ...