有財經媒體引述一份聲明報道, 美國國防部預計將解僱5%至8%文職人員, 從下周開始的第一輪裁員, 將會針對5,400名試用期員工. 負責人事與戰備的國防部代理副部長在聲明中指出, 該等裁減旨在提高效率, 並使國防部重新專注於總統的優先事項. 隨後五角大廈將在評估人員需求的同時凍結招募. 報道又提到, 國防部長日前在社交平台X發布影片, 證實他決心加入美國總統特朗普(Donald Trump)削減聯 ...
The United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for West Africa and the Sahel Leonardo Santos Simao on Friday called for the establishment of a cooperation framework between the Alliance of Sahel ...
The United Nations Security Council on Friday called on Rwanda's military to stop supporting the M23 rebel group in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and immediately withdraw all troops from Congol ...
內媒引述央視消息報道, 美國已經就烏克蘭問題, 提出聯合國決議草案. 據悉, 《草案》哀悼俄烏衝突期間的生命損失, 並重申聯合國的主要目的是「維護國際和平與安全, 和平解決爭端」. 報道續指, 《草案》呼籲迅速結束衝突,並進一步敦促烏克蘭與俄羅斯之間, 實現持久和平. 目前尚未清楚美國希望何時對決議草案進行投票. 據知, 聯合國大會已經定於下周一(24日)召開會議, 就烏克蘭及歐盟起草的案文進行表 ...
Democratic Republic of Congo has freed an opposition leader and the president's former right-hand man, Jean-Marc Kabund, his lawyer said on Friday, ending his imprisonment on charges including contemp ...
有內地財經媒體引述知名華爾街「大鱷」、對沖基金Point 72創辦人科恩(Steven Cohen)報道, 由於美國關稅、移民政策收緊, 以及政府效率部(DOGE)的因素, 美國經濟增長可能在今年下半年明顯放緩. 當地星期五(21日), 科恩在邁阿密舉辦的「全球優先事項高峰會」上發表演說. 當被問及對前景看法時, 科恩語氣悲觀, 表示通脹率居高不下、增長放緩, 以及針鋒相對的關稅, 都可能拖累美國 ...
North Korea's defence ministry said on Saturday "military provocations" by the United States and its allies were becoming more "pronounced" under the urrent Trump administration, according to state me ...
The United States on Friday proposed a draft United Nations resolution to mark the third anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a move that pits Washington against an effort by Kyiv and European ...
Syrian Foreign Minister Asaad Hassan al-Shibani has received an invitation to visit Iraq with the date to be determined later after consultations on the agenda, Syria's state news agency SANA said on ...
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, two ex-Soviet Central Asian states, said on Friday that they had resolved a decades-old border dispute that had sparked clashes between different ethnic groups that had kill ...
美國全國房地產經紀商協會當地星期五(21日)公布數據顯示, 今年1月美國成屋銷售量按年率計算為408萬套, 環比下降4.9%, 同比增長2%, 低於市場預期. 數據顯示, 1月成屋價格中值為39.69萬美元, 同比增長4.8%, 房價連續19個月上漲. 庫存方面, 1月底待售房屋共118萬套, 環比增長3.5%, 同比增長16.8%. 美媒普遍認為, 自2022年以來, 受房貸利率增長影響, 美國 ...
U.S. President Donald Trump deported 37,660 people during his first month in office, previously unpublished U.S. Department of Homeland Security data show, far less than the monthly average of 57,000 ...