Debabrata Panja is an Associate Professor of Complex Systems at Utrecht University, Netherlands. He specialises in networks, ...
Chairman and Chief Scientist of Capital Fund Management and a member of the French Académie des Sciences. He is a theoretical ...
Time" production model has made global supply chains highly sensitive to even minor local disruptions, risking widespread ...
Can spontaneous symmetry breaking in excitons lead to breakthroughs in quantum technologies? This research suggests a future ...
Non-surgical dissection therapy: interstitial photodynamic therapy using laser beam and narrow optic fiber to treat gliomas.
Richen is currently a fourth-year graduate student at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He obtained his BSc from ...
The Academic’s mission is simple: Explain research. We facilitate the communication of scientific knowledge between academics and laypeople by turning the latest discoveries from academic journals ...
The Academic’s mission is simple: Explain research. We facilitate the communication of scientific knowledge between academics and laypeople by turning the latest discoveries from academic journals ...
The Academic’s mission is simple: Explain research. We facilitate the communication of scientific knowledge between academics and laypeople by turning the latest discoveries from academic journals ...
The Academic’s mission is simple: Explain research. We facilitate the communication of scientific knowledge between academics and laypeople by turning the latest discoveries from academic journals ...
The Academic’s mission is simple: Explain research. We facilitate the communication of scientific knowledge between academics and laypeople by turning the latest discoveries from academic journals ...
The Academic’s mission is simple: Explain research. We facilitate the communication of scientific knowledge between academics and laypeople by turning the latest discoveries from academic journals ...