The results were catastrophic. A year after Bush declared “mission accomplished,” Iraq was ruptured by a violent insurgency ...
This will change how you think about the Iraq War. A 64-year-old woman was preparing to do her evening dishes at her home ...
The U.S. and Iraq have a tentative deal to begin the withdrawal of most troops, leaving only a small force to guard against ...
Iraq's most influential Shiite cleric ... In August, al-Sistani also called for an end to "the genocidal war" in Gaza.
After ending his enlistment during the Iraq war from 2003 to 2005, Fernandez returned to Del Rio, where he later joined the ...
Centered: Joe Lieberman,” is a documentary film about the singular place Lieberman occupied in contemporary American politics ...
A long-expected deal to reduce U.S. troop presence in Iraq will likely be announced next week, two administration officials ...
American leaders should reject any form of mission creep in the Middle East – including state building and countering Iranian ...
The new offices reflect Iraq’s growing role in the shadow war between Iran, Israel and the United States. For more than 20 years, since the U.S. invasion to oust the Iraqi dictator, Saddam ...
The Anti-Defamation League described the district attorney's 'immediate charges prior to completion of the investigation' as ...