From shipping delays to higher prices, a strike-driven shutdown of shipping ports from Massachusetts to Texas could have ...
Days before dockworkers are scheduled to strike at seaports from Maine to Texas, analysts are warning of widespread cargo ...
A strike by dockworkers would be the biggest disruption to the flow of goods in and out of the country since the height of the pandemic.
If East Coast and Gulf Coast port workers don't reach a labor deal this week, Americans could face high prices and shortages this holiday.
A major strike is planned for October 1 that could spark a consumer price hike right before the 2024 presidential election.
This is a repeat in reverse of the same maneuvers conducted between 2022 through 2023 when the contract for the West Coast ...
Tens of thousands of US dockworkers plan to strike next week if there is no breakthrough on contract talks, just a month ...
With only days before a planned strike, labor talks between longshoremen's union and port operators are at a standstill.
On social media, several claims urge people to 'panic buy' supplies that could become difficult to find if major ports from ...
Port workers are prepared to go on strike on the East and Gulf coasts on Oct. 1, and the union is warning that Canadian and ...
The ports in consideration process about half of all U.S. imports (!). This pause in handling would disrupt the availability ...
Port employers met with White House officials Friday as negotiations with the union representing East Coast and Gulf Coast ...