Somalia accused Ethiopia of smuggling weapons on Tuesday amid fears that arms going into the conflict-riven Horn of Africa ...
Ethiopia's foreign minister has warned that ammunition supplied to Somalia could exacerbate conflict and be diverted to ...
Ethiopia's foreign minister has warned that ammunition supplied to Somalia could worsen the fragile security situation and ...
Egypt said it sent military aid to Somalia, the latest show of support for the Horn of Africa nation that’s embroiled in a ...
Egypt said it sent military aid to Somalia, the latest show of support for the Horn of Africa nation that’s embroiled in a ...
Egypt, which has a separate dispute with Ethiopia over the sharing of Nile river waters, strongly supports Somalia. Leaders ...
There has been escalating tension between Ethiopia and Somalia ever since Ethiopia signed a Memorandum of Understanding ...
Ethiopia also has at least 3,000 soldiers stationed in Somalia as part of a peacekeeping initiative called the African Union ...
Hargeisa said Egypt’s decision to send Somalia a second cache of weaponry will jeopardise the security of a region already ...
The Egyptian government has confirmed sending arms shipments to Somalia amid regional tension over Ethiopia's controversial deal with the self-declared republic of Somaliland.
Egypt has delivered a second major cache of military aid to Somalia, including anti-aircraft guns and artillery, in a move ...
Ethiopia currently has 3,000 troops in Somalia as part of an African Union force supporting the government. There is now a ...