And even though I know they love me deeply, sometimes I must back them off, lest their joy turns into scratches that leave a mark. This week, I thought about my dogs’ intense affection while traveling ...
In a song whose title translates to “Blue Know-Self,” the Chinese singer Chen Rui sings about a feeling that is “Not the ...
While niceness is often praised as a virtue, an overemphasis on it can come with hidden costs. Be mindful to protect your ...
Pet parents may be fiercely divided, but experts aren't — and they have plenty of tips for more restful slumber.
Throughout my life, I have encountered the influence of narcissism. For many years, I found myself in a painful ...
Jennifer Doyle broke an appointment with a performance artist named Adrian Howells. Howells’s artworks often consisted of ...
After the book event in May, where I’d reassured the other divorced woman, I headed to M’s apartment with butterflies in my ...
A woman shares how her parents destroyed her self esteem - and a leading psychologist, author of a new book on narcissists, ...
The so-called third state – where the cells of a dead organism continue to function after the organism's death – is the ...
Controlling and coercive behaviour enables a perpetrator to retain power over their victim – with the government defining the ...
Having low self-confidence directly translates to having no self-respect, because you don't believe that you're worthy of ...
Love horoscopes on Monday, September 16, show that as retrograde asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer, opposes Venus in Libra, ...