And even though I know they love me deeply, sometimes I must back them off, lest their joy turns into scratches that leave a mark. This week, I thought about my dogs’ intense affection while traveling ...
In a song whose title translates to “Blue Know-Self,” the Chinese singer Chen Rui sings about a feeling that is “Not the ...
She adds that they’re often manipulative and seek to exploit the good nature of others, they ignore or challenge healthy ...
While niceness is often praised as a virtue, an overemphasis on it can come with hidden costs. Be mindful to protect your ...
These families are known for being filled with tension, conflict, unrealistic expectations, chaos, neglect, yes, even abuse.
Pet parents may be fiercely divided, but experts aren't — and they have plenty of tips for more restful slumber.
Throughout my life, I have encountered the influence of narcissism. For many years, I found myself in a painful ...
Jennifer Doyle broke an appointment with a performance artist named Adrian Howells. Howells’s artworks often consisted of ...
After the book event in May, where I’d reassured the other divorced woman, I headed to M’s apartment with butterflies in my ...
A woman shares how her parents destroyed her self esteem - and a leading psychologist, author of a new book on narcissists, ...
The so-called third state – where the cells of a dead organism continue to function after the organism's death – is the ...
Controlling and coercive behaviour enables a perpetrator to retain power over their victim – with the government defining the ...