Yet, upon admission to the NICU, many of these high-risk infants will require gavage feedings until they are more physiologically stable or developmentally ready for oral feedings by breast or bottle.
The majority of NICU infants experience a significant number of gavage tube insertions as they transition to full oral feedings. Placing a gastric tube can be a very stressful event; there is ...
When a child begins their life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), caregivers are often catapulted into feelings of uncertainty, fear, and powerlessness. No one anticipates that having a ...
A recent study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health explores the association between severe neonatal morbidity (SNM) and maternal smoking before or during pregnancy.
Nobody is running through the neonatal intensive care unit (Nicu) or shouting. It is no doubt a terrifying place for any parent, but somehow eerily calm. Michelle Magee, from Lehenaghmore in Cork ...
Former President Trump’s onetime White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, told delegates at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday that Trump was upset that cameras were not on him ...
Their first donations went to the neonatal intensive care unit, where newborns with serious conditions are brought. The quilts were two feet by two feet square. Now most are three by three.
Nobody is running through the neonatal intensive care unit (Nicu) or shouting. It is no doubt a terrifying place for any parent, but somehow eerily calm. Luke is one of 1,500 Michelle Magee ...
A beautiful Golden Retriever who works as a therapy dog melts into an adorable "fur baby" when he's around NICU staff. On August 24, Macho the Magnificent (@macho_the_magnificent) shared a video of ...