Getting the data from there into Home Assistant, InfluxDB or similar is easy, as rtl_433 can output the decoded data directly to an Influx database, MQTT broker as well as other formats.
The ESP8266, using the Tasmota firmware, sends a signal to an MQTT server running on the Raspberry Pi, which in turn translates it to a remote trigger on the Zigbee frequency with the dongle.
The client is an MQTT v3(3.1 and 3.1.1) implementation(an equivalent MQTT v5 client can be found here) supporting subscription/publishing at all QOS levels, keep ...
SYNOPSIS use AnyEvent::MQTT; my $mqtt = AnyEvent::MQTT->new; my $cv = $mqtt->subscribe(topic => '/topic', callback => sub { my ($topic, $message) = @_; print $topic ...