Zack Snyder, Netflix and Rebel Moon
Several actors have portrayed the Joker in live-action, including Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, Joaquin Phoenix, and Barry Keoghan.
The Watchmen movie was a pretty accurate adaptation of the comic book of the same name, with a story told across a number of ...
Zack Snyder recently shared the most favorite superhero movie that he directed in his career so far, and his response might ...
Whatever you’re looking for from your next adult animation binge—profundity, thrills, shock—you’re not likely to find it from ...
The concept of the quest is “all part and parcel to the Norse experience,” Snyder says. “They’re always looking for something ...
Zack Snyder directs a new interpretation of Norse legend in Twilight of the Gods, and gets blood all over everything.